About IPC


The scientists and specialists from Mongolia, China, Vietnam, the USA, Hungary, Germany, Serbia, Canada, Oman, etc. were academic and business partners of the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS in the course of 50 years of its activity. Venezuelan oil compaies expressed their interest in applying EOR technologies developed by the researchers of the IPC SB RAS.

The Institute of Petroleum Chemistry regularly hosts International Conferences ‘Oil and Gas Chemistry’ and ‘Production, Treatment, and Transportation of Oil and Gas’. Schools-conferences for young scientists are traditionally held as part of the conferences.

Every year, the researchers of the Institute publish more than 100 scientific articles indexed by Web of Science, Scopus and Russian Science Citation Index.

Over the past 5 years, about 40 patents of the Russian Federation have been obtained and 7 license agreements are currently in force.

More than 50 license agreements have been executed for the IPC SB RAS owned EOR technologies and 11 foreign patents have been received. A pilot batch of the catalyst was manufactured according to the technology for producing high-silica ZSM-5 zeolite.

The testing Laboratory of Hydrocarbons and High-Molecular Compounds of Oil of the IPC SB RAS performs physical and chemical analyzes of various grades of oil and oil products to examine them for compliance with State Standards (GOST) and technical specifications (TU).

The Chemical Technology Group is engaged in the manufacture of experimental batches of reagents and testing of technologies developed at the IPC SB RAS for subsequent pilot testing of these technologies and industrial application.

Postgraduate Studies

IPC SB RAS carries out educational activities under educational programs of higher education — programs for the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies in scientific specialties: 1.4.12 — Petrochemistry; 1.4.4 Physical chemistry and 1.6.4 Mineralogy, crystallography. Geochemistry, geochemical methods of mineral exploration. The period of full-time training is 4 years.

Educational activities under the programs for the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in graduate school are carried out under the License to conduct educational activities dated April 05, 2012 No. 2664.

Young researchers who have completed postgraduate studies at the IPC SB RAS successfully work at the Institute, oil companies and other organizations.

Please, contact the Head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies, Cand. Sci. (Chem.) Stepanov Andrey Alexandrovich for questions regarding the admission to graduate school.
e-mail: aspirantura@ipc.tsc.ru; stepanov@ipc.tsc.ru


4, Akademichesky Avenue, 634055, Томск, Russia
office 105, phone (3822) 491-013; 491-258; +7-961-098-37-95

Dissertation Council

The Dissertation Council was opened at the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1988.

Since 2021, the dissertation council on the basis of the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of SB RAS takes to defense doctoral and candidate theses in the specialty 1.4.12. -Petrochemistry, chemical and technical sciences.

Since 2007, the dissertation council at the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of SB RAS has been taking doctoral and candidate theses to defense in the specialty 02.00.13 — Petrochemistry, chemical and technical sciences.

Council Code:

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council — Kovalenko Elena Yuryevna, Cand. Sci. (Chem.), researcher

Contacts: Phone +7 (3822) 492144, e-mail: kovalenko@ipc.tsc.ru

Contact Information

Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Postal Address

4, Akademichesky Avenue, 634055, Томск, Russia
e-mail: canc@ipc.tsc.ru
Fax: +7 (3822) 491457


Director’s reception: +7 (3822) 491-623, 491-258
Director: +7 (3822) 491-146
Head of Planning and Economic Department: +7 (3822) 491-379

Chief Accountant: +7 (3822) 491-504, 491-350

Реквизиты ИХН СО РАН Details
Информационная карта ИХН СО РАН Information map


Route bus: 16,131, 23, 5, and 13/14(two-way loop), 30/33 (two-way loop)

Bus stop ‘Akademgorodok’

Карта проезда Location map